Tiwari, A.,
Tiwari, H.,
Subramanian, V.
& Sharma, A.K.
Enhancing video stability with object-centric stabilization.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR)
B. S.
& P. N.
Unveiling the connections: How brand anthropomorphism impacts purchase intention. Role of processing fluency.
9th PAN IIM World Management Conference
IIM Sambalpur IIM Sambalpur:
Nirmal, D. D.
& Gumte, K. M.
Developing dynamic sustainable capabilities in Industry 4.0: Learnings from a case of manufacturing industry.
9th PAN-IIM World Management Conference (WMC)
IIM Sambalpur Sambalpur:
Nirmal, D. D.,
Agrawal, M.,
& Gumte, K.M.
Examining The Critical Success Factors For Sustainable Development: Evidence From A Case Study On Sustainable Entrepreneurship.
9th PAN-IIM World Management Conference (WMC)
IIM Sambalpur Sambalpur:
Prajapati, D.,
Rohit, K.,
Maurya, A.
& Dwivedi, A.
Metaheuristic and Exact Approaches for Cost Optimization in Multi-Echelon Multimodal Transportation Network.
Lectures Notes in Network and Systems” Springer:
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS 2023)
IIT Roorkee, (pp.705-715).
Roorkee, India:
Maurya, G.
& Sahu, S.
Gendered laws, female labor force participation, and its impact on economic complexity.
2024 RCEA International Conference in Economics, Econometrics, and Finance
Brunel University London, United Kingdom:
Maurya, G.
& Sahu, S.
Gendered laws, participation of women in labor force, and its impact on economic complexity.
2nd Annual Economics Conference
St. Xavier’s University Kolkata:
Rani, J.,
Mondal, S.
& Singh, S.
Bridging Neuromarketing and Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis.
3rd International Conference on Management of MSMEs (ICMM 2024)
IIM Amritsar IIM Amritsar:
Gandhi, K.
& Parida, R. R.
Why do you Follow Comedy Influencers? A Qualitative Approach.
3rd International conference in Marketing
IIM Shillong Shillong:
Kaur, K.,
Dua, G.,
Bapat, G.
& Chidarkar, N.
Analysing the Perception and Adoption Intention of Surat Textile Industry Stakeholders towards Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Options.
3rd International Conference on Management of MSMEs, January 19-21, 2024
IIM Amritsar
Kaur, K.,
Gera, N.,
Talebi, A.,
Mukherjee, S. &
Das, G.
Unveiling Coping Mechanisms in Marketplace Discrimination: The Allure of AI Recommendations.
53rd EMAC Annual Conference, May 28-31, 2024,
Bucharest University of Economic, Studies Bucharest, Romania:
Sinha, N.
& Aggarwal, E.
Artificial Intelligence-based Decision-making in HRM: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agenda.
9th INDAM conference, 2024 on Creating Impact Through Responsible Leadership & Sustainable Business Practices
INDAM and Goa Institute of Management Goa, India:
Sinha, N.
& Aggarwal, E.
AI-based Decision-making in HRM.
Seventh Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences (ERPBSS 2024) conference
Middlesex University Dubai Campus in Knowledge Park, Dubai, United Arab Emirates:
Upadhyay, N.
& Kamble, A.
Navigating the Digital Frontier: Strategies for Balancing Technology and Human Capital in the Web 3.0 Era.
INDAM Goa, India:
Upadhyay, N.
& Upadhyay, S.
Deciphering NFT Marketing: Navigating Consumer Engagement in the Hierarchy of Effects.
MSP International Conference
Lancaster University, Brunel University London, Goa, India:
Maheshwari, P.
Analysing the Impact of Transportation Policies on Supply Chain Efficiency and Sustainability.
The AnyLogic Company Online:
Rana, P.
Analysis of challenges in biofuel sector using an empirical study in Indian context.
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Business Analytics & Management Sciences, Operational Research Society of India (BAMS-ORSI 2024)
Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management IIT Bombay:
Parida, R. R.
Consumer wellbeing in an Emerging Market and role of Sharing Economy Services.
PAN IIM World Management Conference
IIM Sambalpur Sambalpur:
Mondal, S.,
Kumar, A.,
Gupta, H.
& Singh, S.
Exploring the Dynamics of Eco-Innovation in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises: An Integrated Approach.
International Conference on Sustainable Development & Management Practices - 2024,
IIT (ISM) Dhanbad IIT (ISM) Dhanbad:
Mondal, S.,
Singh, S.
& Gupta, H.
Green Entrepreneurship in Industry 4.0: Unveiling the Critical Success Factors for Advancing Waste Management, Circular Economy, and Sustainable Development.
9th Pan IIM World Management Conference on Entrepreneurial Innovation and Digital Governance for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth,
IIM Sambalpur IIM Sambalpur:
Mishra, V.
Conjoint Effect of Individual Differences and Valence Ambiguity in Eliciting Observers’ Silences..
Academy of Management Proceedings:
Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Academy of Management Chicago:
Valhalla, NY 10595: Academy of Management
Mishra, V.
Whistleblowers’ Enigma Amidst Subjective Unethicality in Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior..
Academy of Management Proceedings:
Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Academy of Management Chicago:
Valhalla, NY 10595: Academy of Management
Mishra, V.,
Newman, A.
& Garg, N.
Silence of Observers of Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior via Positive Emotion..
Academy of Management Proceedings:
Symposium at Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Academy of Management Chicago:
Valhalla, NY 10595: Academy of Management
Kumar, A.,
Mondal, S.
& Singh, S.
Factors affecting Sustainable practices of Digital Entrepreneurs for Social Tourism by using Digital Platforms.
International Conference on Sustainable Business Transformations: Priorities, Learnings and Practices 2023
University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata:
Kumar, A.,
Mondal, S.
& Singh, S.
An Exploration of Barriers and Success Factors in Ecotourism: A Mixed-Methods Approach.
International Marketing Conference
IIM Visakhapatnam IIM Visakhapatnam:
Kumar, A.,
Mondal, S.,
Gupta, H.
& Singh, S.
Mapping Inclusive Entrepreneurship: A Bibliometric Analysis.
Fifteenth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India:
Bhuyan, A.
& Sanguri, K.
The Long-Term Scenario Forecast for Transmission and Distribution Losses in the Indian Electricity Sector.
IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference - Asia Pacific (TEMSCON-ASPAC), India
Prajapati, D.
& Agrawal, P.
An IoT-embedded smart, sustainable reverse logistics system towards the circular economy.
9th International and 30th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design & Research (AIMTDR 2023) Conference
IIT BHU Varanasi Varanasi:
Maurya, G.
& Sahu, S.
Gendered laws, participation of women in labor force, and its impact on economic complexity.
Sixth IGIDR PhD Colloquium
IGIDR Mumbai:
Maurya, G.
Economic complexity and financial development: A quantile regression approach with non-additive fixed effects.
4th Annual Economic Conference
Ahmedabad University Ahmedabad:
Dua, G.,
Bapat, G.
& Kaur, K.
Is Covert Advertising Evident? Measuring the Recall Rate in Indian Sitcoms.
Compendium of Abstracts:
FDP Conference cum Reunion
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
Gupta, H.,
Mondal, S.
& Singh, S.
Exploring key enablers for embracing Blockchain Technology and Machine Learning in Circular Supply Chain Management: A Case Study of Indian MSMEs.
SOM 2023 – XXVI Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management
IIM Shillong IIM Shillong:
Gupta, H.,
Mondal, S.
& Singh, S.
Challenges and Prospects in Integrating ML/AI Assistance for Advancing the Circular Economy Practices, Environmental System Management, and Sustainability Goals: A Study from Emerging Economy Perspectives.
POMS India International Conference 2023, XLRI Jamshedpur, DECEMBER 4-6,2023
XLRI Jamshedpur XLRI Jamshedpur:
Gupta, H.,
Mondal, S.,
Singh, S.
& Kharub, M.
Industry 4.0 and Green Entrepreneurship for Environmental Sustainability: Exploring Barriers from an Indian SME Perspective.
The Fourth International Workshop on Best-Worst Method (BWM 2023), TU Delft, The Netherlands
TU Delft TU Delft:
Gupta, H.,
Mondal, S.
& Singh, S.
Critical success factors of the circular economy that helps in sustainable production and consumption: A study from Indian MSMEs' perspectives.
the International Conference on Sustainable Business Management (SBM 2023)
IIT Roorkee IIT Roorkee:
Gumte, K.
& Reddy, N.
Risk and Feasibility of Sustainable Techno-Eco-Env Green Supply Chain.
International Conference on Data Analytics in Public Procurement and Supply Chain, (ICDAPS),
AJNIFM Faridabad & NITIE Mumbai Mumbai:
Gadekar, M.
“Innovative Recycling Initiatives: Inspiring Pro-Environmental Behaviour Shift”.
ANZMAC 2023 University of Otago, Dunedin:
Manzoor, R.,
Sahay, B. S.,
Gumte, K. M.
& Singh, S.K.
Blockchain-backed Resilient Strategies in a Supply Chain under disruption.
Abstract Code: 115-0400:
33rd Annual Conference
POMS Orlando USA:
Manzoor, R.,
Sahay, B. S.,
Gumte, K. M.
& Singh, S.K.
Blockchain-backed Resilient Strategies in a Supply Chain under disruption.
33rd Annual POMS Conference
Orlando, FL, USA:
Kamble, S.
& Maheshwari, P.
Digital twin for manufacturing excellence in food processing industries.
33rd Annual POMS-Conference Fostering a Better and Smarter World with POM Hyatt Regency, 9801 International Drive
POMS, (pp.115-122).
Orlando, USA:
Production and Operations Management Society
Mondal, S.,
Singh, S.
& Gupta, H.
Unraveling the Nexus of Sustainability Knowledge, Perceived Benefits, Green Dynamic Capability, and Strategic Sustainability Orientation: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach.
ISDSI-Global Conference 2023
IIM Ranchi IIM Ranchi:
Mondal, S.,
Singh, S.
& Gupta, H.
The factors of artificial intelligence and industry 4.0 that influence waste management and the circular economy: A study from emerging economy perspectives.
4th International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought - GIT 2023
IIM Kozikode IIM Kozikode:
Mondal, S.,
Singh, S.,
Gupta, H.
& Kumar, A.
The Influence of Digital Technology on The Circular Economy: A Study from The Sustainable Business Perspectives.
International Conference on Sustainability- SUSCON X
IIM Shillong IIM Shillong:
Mondal, S.,
Gupta, H.
& Singh, S.
Exploring the Critical Success Factors of Integrated Marketing and Supply Chain Management: A Systematic Literature Review and Empirical Analysis.
International Marketing Conference
Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam:
Mondal, S.
& Singh, S.
Factors of inclusion in the circular economy to adopt green practices for sustainable development: An Indian perspective.
Management Education and Research Colloquium
IIM Kashipur IIM Kashipur:
Mondal, S.,
Singh, S.
& Kumar, A.
Critical Success Factors of Sustainable Marketing Strategy: A Comprehensive Study of Green Businesses..
International Conference on Sustainable Business Transformations: Priorities, Learnings and Practices 2023
University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata:
Mondal, S.,
Kumar, A.,
Gupta, H.
& Singh, S.
Critical Success Factors of Green Entrepreneurship: Evidences from Indian Manufacturing Industry.
Fifteenth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India:
Murugesan, V.
& N, V.
“Forecasting of Environmental Social and Governance Disclosures and Firm Performance using dynamic panel regression and LSTM models – Review.
Role of Capital Markets for Sustainable Growth of Economy
NISM, India Mumbai:
Murthy, V.
& G, J.
Transactional Cost Economising or Embeddedness of Labour Organising in Small Firms: What explains an implicit Governance?.
INDAM 2023
SBM-NMIMS Mumbai Mumbai:
& V.
Development of Modified Random Forest Algorithm to predict the Employee Attrition.
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Operations and Analytics (ICETOA)
T A Pai Management Institute (TAPMI) Karnataka:
Mishra, V.
& Uppal, N.
Institutionalization of Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior–A Process Model..
Academy of Management Proceedings:
Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Academy of Management Boston:
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Mishra, V.
& Sharma, V.
The Curvilinear Relationship between Moral Identity and Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior..
Academy of Management Proceedings:
Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Academy of Management Boston:
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Akhouri, A.
Effect of CSR attributions on employees’ meaningfulness and work engagement: Evidence from India.
38th EGOS Colloquium
European Group Of Organizational Studies WU Vienna, Austria:
Pundir, A.,
Maheshwari, P.
& Kumar, P.
Machine Learning Based Predictive Maintenance Model.
2nd Indian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
National Institute of Technology (NIT) Warangal:
ISSN: 2169-8767 (U.S. Library of Congress),Scopus
Tiwari, H.,
Kurmi, V.,
Venkatesh, K.
& Chen, Y.
Occlusion resistant network for 3D face reconstruction.
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)
Tiwari, H.
& Subramanian, V.
Reduced dependency fast unsupervised 3D face reconstruction.
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Tiwari, H.
& Subramanian, V.
Self-supervised cooperative colorization of achromatic faces.
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Tiwari, H.,
Chen, M.,
Tsai, Y.,
Kuo, H. &
Chen and others, H.
Self-supervised robustifying guidance for monocular 3D face reconstruction.
British Machine Vision Conference Proceedings (BMVC)
Gumte, K. M.
Sustainable biofuel solution for industrial and commercial sectors: A stochastic green supply chain design approach.
ICAER 2022: Advances in Clean Energy and Sustainability:
8th International conference on advances in energy research (ICAER)
IIT Bombay, (pp.715-727).
Springer : doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-2279-6_63
B, P.
Recommendation Framings Impact Users' Responses To Rating Dispersion Information.
American Marketing Association Summer Academic Conference,
American Marketing Association Chicago, IL:
B, P.
& Sarkar, S.
Lingiustic Concreteness, Explicit Credibility Cues, and Review Persuasiveness.
American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference Proceedings:
American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference,
American Marketing Association Las Vegas:
Maheshwari, P.
& Kamble, S.
The Application of Supply Chain Digital Twin to Measure Optimal Inventory Policy.
International Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control - 10th MIM 2022
IFAC, (pp.2324-2329).
IFAC-PapersOnLine, Scopus
Parida, R. R.
The role of family values and income in determining sustainable consumption behaviour explained through an extended Theory of Planned Behaviour..
International Conference on 'Shaping the Future of Management Education for Sustainable Emerging Economies' (SFME 2022)
IIT Roorkee & Arizona State University, USA Department of Management Studies (DoMS), IIT Roorke:
Singh, S.,
Muduli, A.
& Rengasamy, S.
Role of social capital in Advancing Human Resources Analytics Outcomes.
IIMB DCAL - Nineth International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence
IIM Bangalore Bangalore:
Kumari, S.
& Kaur, K.
Compassion: A contemporary organizational virtue to promote Workplace Happiness.
Shaping the Future of Management Education for Sustainable Emerging Economies' (SFME 2022)
DoMS IIT Roorkee
Rengasamy, S.
& J P, S.
Sustainability Indices Prediction Using ARIMA and RNN-LSTM Models - A Comparison Study.
Nineth International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence
IIM Bangalore Bangalore:
Sakthi Nagaraj, T.,
Ganesan, H.
& Jeyapaul, R.
Innovative Ergonomic Product Development Process by Incorporating TRIZ into Human-Centered Design.
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems:
19th International Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment, HWWE 2021
IIT Guwahati, (pp.751-763).
Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
Mishra, V.,
Sharma, V.,
Verma, D.
& Uppal, N.
A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Antecedents of Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior..
Academy of Management Proceedings:
Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Academy of Management Seattle:
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Xess, A.,
Bhargave, H.
& Kumar, P.
A Study on Influence of Eco-Friendly technologies in Hospitality Industry.
1st International Conference on Mechatronics and Artificial Intelligence
SGT University Gurugram:
Bhuyan, A.,
Sanguri, K.
& Sharma, H.
Improving the Keyword Co-occurrence Analysis: An Integrated Semantic Similarity Approach.
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 13-16 December
IEEE Singapore:
Prajapati, D.,
Agarwal, R.,
Chelladurai, H.,
Lakshay , L. &
Pratap, S.
Develop a Framework for Sustainable supply Chain problem for Textile industry: In B2B E-commerce Platform.
International Conference on Industrial Engineering Management (ICIEM-2021)
MNIT Jaipur Jaipur, India:
Aggarwal, E.
A recommender system that reacts to buyers’ feedbacks - A new TOPSIS model with hesitant fuzzy data.
The 22nd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies
Hanyang University in Seoul South Korea:
Maurya, G.
& Sahu, S.
Economic Complexity and Individualism: A Cross-Country Analysis.
16th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development
ISI Delhi Delhi:
Saini, G.,
Seema, S.
& Mor, K.
Machine Learning and Prophecy of Behaviour: A Breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Saini, G.
& Seema, S.
Job Decision Latitude and Gig working fashions towards Work-Life Integration in the New Normal Workplaces..
International Conference on Advances in Applied and Computational Mathematics. American Institute of Physics (United States)
G, J.,
Murthy, V.
& Paul, B.
Small Business Strategies in Capability Formation: A Study on Leather Firms in the city of Chennai.
Strategic Management Forum- 2021
IIM Nagpur Nagpur:
Bansal, M.
& Singh, R.
Blessing of Geography: Effect of Geographical Indications on Agricultural Exports in India.
IMR Doctoral Conference
IIM Bangalore Bengaluru, Karnataka, India:
Bansal, M.
& Naresh, A.
Effect of Rural Roads on Migration Patterns in India: An Instrumental Variable Approach.
Doctoral Colloquium
IIT Kharagpur Kharagpur, West Bengal, India:
Parida, R. R.
Adaptive Contingency Model for Marketing under Disruptive Events.
KIIT University Bhubaneswar:
Kumar, V.
& Kaur, K.
Applying Diffusion of Innovation Theory to Examine Indian Households' Intention to Adopt Solar Rooftops.
First Virtual International Conference on Sustainable Finance, Economics & Accounting in the Pre-and Post-Pandemic Era
Indian Institute of Management Jammu, Jammu:
Brandão, A.
& Gadekar, M.
Digital brand management in international contexts: case study of e-marketplace digital marketing firm.
Global Marketing Conference
GAMMA, (pp.1297-1300).
Brandao, A.
& Gadekar, M.
Examining brand love's moderating effect on brand hate antecedents and outcomes.
Global Marketing Conference
GAMMA, (pp.1136-1139).
& Husain, S.
Word-order leads to grammatical illusion in Hindi..
International Conference of Linguistic Society of India
ICOLSI GLA University:
& Husain, S.
Anti-locality effects in Hindi suggests a shallow parsing strategy.
South Asian Forum on the Acquisition and Processing of Language (SAFAL-1)
SAFAL Potsdam, Germany:
& Husain, S.
Parsing Errors in Hindi.
South Asian Forum on the Acquisition and Processing of Language (SAFAL-1)
SAFAL Potsdam, Germany:
Pundir, A.,
Ganapathy, L.
& Maheshwari, P.
Machine learning for revenue forecasting: A case study in retail business.
11th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication
Pundir, A.,
Ganapathy, L.,
Maheshwari, P.
& Thakur, S.
Interpretive Structural Modelling to assess the enablers of blockchain technology in supply chain.
11th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference
IEEE, (pp.0223-0229).
IEEE Explore
Bhuyan, A.
Influence of Built Environment on Transport Mode Choice.
17th AIMS International Conference on Management, 2-4 January
AIMS International Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, India:
Prajapati, D.,
Harish, A. R.,
Pratap, S.,
Zhang, M. &
Daultani, Y.
Multi-cyclic scheduling of identical parts in an N-machine no-wait robotic cell.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Dubai, UAE, March 10-12, 2020:
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM)
IEOM Society International, (pp.499-510).
Hyatt Regency Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE):
IEOM Conference Proceedings
Gumte, K.
& Mitra, K.
Strategic biofuel supply chain network design and techno-economic-environmental analysis for an Indian scenario.
IFAC-Papers OnLine:
IIT Madras ACODS , (pp.69-74).
Kaur, K.
Motivation to write online reviews: Understanding Indian consumers’ perspectives through qualitative research.
Doctoral Symposium held on December 09-11,
Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode:
Gadekar, M.
& Brandao, A.
Does price unfairness perception will still ensure purchase intention?: mediation of consumer brand identification and brand trust.
Global Marketing Conference
GAMMA, (pp.1292-1296).
Bansal, M.
& Singh, R.
The Road to Agricultural Exports: Evidence from Rural Road Expansion in India.
Spring 2020, Midwest International Trade Conference
Clemson University Greenville, South Carolina:
B, P.
"The Thought That Counts": Even Thoughtful Gift-Givers Over- Estimate Recipients' Evaluations Of Gift.
American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference Proceedings:
American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference,
American Marketing Association San Diego:
B, P.
& Kumar, V.
“Crowd Sourcing": The Role Of Public Opinion On Firm Performance.
American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference,
American Marketing Association San Diego:
Maheshwari, P.,
Kamble, S.
& Pundir, A.
Inventory Management of Non- Instantaneous Deteriorating Items Using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique.
5th NA International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
August 10 - 14, 2020, (pp.2238-2247).
Detroit, Michigan, USA:
ISSN: 2169-8767
Murthy, V.,
G, J.
& Paul, B.
Employer-Employee Induced Labour Market Flexibility: Small Leather Firms in a Metropolitan City.
INDAM 2021
IIM Tiruchirappali Tiruchirappali:
Akhouri, A.,
K., A.
& Saxena, R.
Dark Spots and Bright Spots Analysis of quality of education in Indian Public Schools.
7th PAN-IIM World Management Conference
IIM Rohtak IIM Rohtak, India:
Brandao, A.
& Gadekar, M.
Brand naming sponsorship: impact on music festivalgoers’ purchase intentions.
Cultural Festivals' Organization and Management: new challenges in the digital age
University of Valencia Valencia:
& Husain, S.
Local Coherence and Case-Marker Exchange Cause Parsing Errors in Hindi..
Annual conference of the Association for Cognitive Science in India (ACCS)
ACCS Goa, India:
& Husain, S.
Cost of Ungrammatical Predictions During Online Comprehension.
Psycholinguistics in Iceland -- Parsing and Prediction (PIPP) conference, Reykjavik, Iceland
Psycholinguistics in Iceland -- Parsing and Prediction (PIPP) conference, Reykjavik, Iceland Reykjavik, Iceland:
& Husain, S.
Cost of Ungrammatical Predictions During Online Sentence Processing: Evidence Against Surprisal ?.
Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing (CUNY -2019),
Foropon, C.
& Dubey, R.
The role of agility and resilience in disaster relief operationsâ€,.
Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Conference,
Washington D.C., United States:
Foropon, C.
Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM) Conference.
Berlin, Germany:
Prajapati, D.
& Pratap, S.
Minimization of Time Window for Delivery of Orders in B2B E-commerce.
5th international conference on Industrial Engineering ICIE-2019 14 Dec 2019 Surat:
International conference on Industrial Engineering ICIE-2019
SV NIT Surat, (pp.15-19).
Surat India:
Prajapati, D.,
Jha, A.,
Sreenu, N.
& Pratap, S.
An MINLP Approach: Sustainable Agro-Food Supply Chain Network Design in Indian Context.
6th Agro- Horticulture Supply Chain Conference (AHSCC-2019)
UPES Dehradun Dehradun, India:
Tiwari, H.
& Thakor, S.
On characterization of entropic vectors at the boundary of almost entropic cones.
IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW)
Gumte, K.,
Pantula, P. D.,
Miriyala, S. S.
& Mitra, K.
Data Driven Robust Optimization for Supply Chain Planning Models.
doi: 10.1109/ICC47138.2019.9123191:
2019 Sixth Indian Control Conference (ICC)
IIT Hyderabad, (pp.218-223).
Kaur, K.
Impact of Normative Determinants on Perceived E-WOM Review Credibility: Categorically Moderating Analysis of Involvement.
7th PAN IIM World Management Conference held on December 12-14,
Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, New Delhi:
Kaur, K.
Electronic Word of Mouth: The Effect of Online Reviews on Online Books Sales.
Book of Abstracts: 2019 IIM Indore-NASMEI Summer Marketing Information Systems Conference:
NASMEI Summer Marketing Information Systems Conference held on July 26-28, 2019
Indian Institute of Management Indore:
Emerald Group Publishing (India) Private Limited
Kaur, K.
& Dulgach, A.
Impact of Informational Determinants on Perceived E-WOM Review Credibility: Categorically Moderating Analysis of Involvement.
Management Education and Research Colloquium held on June 06-07
Indian Institute of Management Kashipur:
Kaur, K.
& Singh, T.
Authenticity and Trustworthiness of Environmental threat appeals in Green advertising influencing pro- environmental behaviour.
Chitkara University Doctoral Consortium held on May 17-18,
Chitkara University Punjab:
Kaur, K.
& Singh, T.
Impact of Visual Information on eWom Adoption: A mediating role of perceived eWom review credibility.
International Conference on Global Issues in Management held on 26th February,
UBS, Panjab University, Chandigarh:
Tripathi, M.
Power Bases, Organizational Culture and Knowledge Management Practices in Indian Research and Development Organizations. .
2nd Indian Congress on I/O Psychology
M.S. University of Baroda in collaboration with the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology M.S. University of Baroda :
Kumar, M. M.,
Prajapati, D.,
Pratap, P.,
Zhou, F. &
Pratap, S.
Berth and Quay Crane Allocation Problem for the Container Handling.
5th international conference on Industrial Engineering ICIE-2019 14 Dec 2019 Surat:
International conference on Industrial Engineering ICIE-2019
SV NIT Surat, (pp.553-558).
Surat India:
B, P.
“Mind Readers Give Great Gifts : How perspective- taking decreases preference mispredictions”..
North American Society for Marketing Education in India Conference
Great Lakes Institute of Management Chennai, India. Great Lakes Institute of Management Chennai, India.:
B, P.
"I Know What's Best For You, And For Me”: Consumer Differences In Estimating Consumption Experiences.
American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference,
American Marketing Association Austin,TX:
B, P.
“Choosing Wisely": How Others Matter in My Choice.
North American Society for Marketing Education in India Conference
Great Lakes Institute of Management Chennai, India. Great Lakes Institute of Management Chennai, India.:
Dubey, R.
& Foropon, C.
The role of big data analytics and artificial intelligence in disaster relief operationsâ€.
Production and Operations Management Conference (POMS) Conference
Washington D.C:
Parida, R. R.
Issues and challenges of business and skill concepts in India.
Abstract Proceeding:
International conference on Issues and challenges of business in emerging economy
Birla Global University, (pp.48-50).
May fair hotel, BBSR:
Daultani, Y.,
Cheikhrouhou, N.,
Pratap, S.
& Prajapati, D.
Designing Forward and Reverse Supply Chain Network for Refurbished Products.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Vietnam, 2019:
9th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM)
RMIT University, Vietnam Vietnam:
& Husain, S.
How Good Is Prediction In Head-Final Languages?.
Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLaP-2018), Berlin, Germany.
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Berlin, Germany.:
& Husain, S.
Working Memory Constraints Override Prediction In Processing Hindi Center-embedded Constructions..
Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLaP-2018), Berlin, Germany.
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Berlin, Germany.:
& Husain, S.
Investigating prediction processes in Hindi through Entropy, Surprisal and Ungrammaticality..
Bridging Research On Cognition And Speech (BROCAS), IIT Ropar
IIT Ropar Ropar, Punjab, India:
& Husain, S.
Working-memory constraints influence prediction processes in Hindi..
Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing - Asia (AMLaP-Asia)
University of Hyderabad, India Hyderabad, India.:
Tripathi, M.
Influencing knowledge workers in knowledge intensive organizations in India: The enabling (disabling) role of downward influence strategies and power .
PANIIT International Management Conference
IIT Roorkee IIT Roorkee:
B, P.
& Gupta, T.
"Assorted Gifts Can’t Buy My Love": the Effect of Intimacy on Anticipated Regret With Gifting Choice.
AP - Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research:
AP - Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research
Association for Consumer Research, (pp.73-73).
Chaudhary, R.
& Akhouri, A.
CSR Attributions, Work engagement and Creativity: Examining the role of Authentic Leadership.
78th Annual Meeting
Academy of Management Chicago, Illinois, USA.:
Chaudhary, R.
& Akhouri, A.
Green HRM and Job Pursuit Intentions: A Study among Prospective Employees.
International Conference on Sustainability & Business
IIM Calcutta IIM Calcutta, India:
Parida, R. R.
& Nayak, U.
Urbanization, Water and Governance- A sustainable perspective.
Abstract book:
XUB sustainability summit 2018
Xavier University, Bhubaneswar, (pp.81-82).
Parida, R. R.
Sociography and brand loyalty in the Indian rural market.
Abstract Proceeding:
12th NASMEI International Marketing Conference 2018
Great Lakes Chennai, (pp.50-52).
Great Lakes Chennai:
Anand , A.,
Dsilva Winfred Rufuss, D.,
Raj Kumar, V.
& Suganthi, L.
Evaluation of Sustainability Indicators in Smart Cities for India Using MCDM Approach.
Energy Procedia:
4th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering, CPESE 2017
CPESE, (pp.211-215).
Berlin, Germany:
Sahay, B. S.
Network and Partnership for Globalized Education.
An International B-Schools Meet on Management Education: Coping with the Emerging Trends in the Globalized World
Sahay, B. S.
Globalizing Management Education: An Agenda for Action.
An International B-Schools Meet on Management Education: Coping with the Emerging Trends in the Globalized World
Sahay, B. S.
Developing Effective & Passionate Teachers: Key to Create Geat Higher Education Institutions.
8th HEF Annual Convention (Keynote Address)
Higher Education Forum
Singh, B.
Distributor Stewardship in Channel Relationships.
Better Marketing for a Better World. Proceedings of the 2017 Winter American Marketing Association:
American Marketing Association
AMA Florida USA:
Aggarwal, E.
Fuzzy Logic and TOPSIS: An integration approach for product recommendation in online business.
Dec 2017:
Proceedings of Fifth PAN IIM World Management Conference
IIM Lucknow, (pp.183-192).
Lucknow India:
Vyas, M.,
Shah, K.
& Upadhyay, N.
Is movie a Box Office Success? Analyzing Search Queries to Predict Commercial Success.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Computing Techniques in Engineering, Science and Management
Tripathi, M.
The effect of counterfactual priming and affective forecasting on bidding decisions. .
TAPMI-ÂMax Planck Winter School on Bounded Rationality
TAPMI and ÂMax Planck Institute for Human Development T. A. Pai Management Institute:
Upadhyay, N.
#UriAttacks the untold story: Social Media Analysis of Tweets.
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development
Upadhyay, N.
#UriMartyrs and #IndiaWithForces what is not heard? Social Media Analysis of Tweets.
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development
Kumar, P.
Climate change disclosure and its impact on a firm's stock performance- evidence from Indian firms.
10th Doctoral Thesis Conference
ICFAI Business School Hyderabad:
Kumar, P.
& Sharma, M.
Managing Indian farm sector risks.
De-Risking Indian Agriculture: Crop Insurance Way
Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra:
Kumar, P.
Carbon emission reductions (CERs) accounting with special reference to IFRS.
HSB 9th Annual National Conference on Business and Management
Haryana School of Business Hisar:
Chaudhary, R.
& Akhouri, A.
Authentic Leadership, CSR attributions, and Work Engagement in Indian IT Industry.
Fifth PAN-IIM World Management Conference
IIM Lucknow IIM Lucknow:
Chaudhary, R.
& Akhouri, A.
Linking CSR Attributions and Creativity: Modeling Work Engagement as a Mediator.
5 th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management
IIM Indore IIM Indore, India:
Parida, R. R.
Psychographic Impact on the brand loyalty of customers in the rural market.
Abstract Proceeding:
7th IIM Ahmedabad Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies
IIM A, (pp.53-56).
Parida, R. R.
Is Gender relevant in Management?.
Abstract Proceedings:
International Conference on Gender and Management: Issues & Challenges
BIMTECH, Bhubaneswar, (pp.9-10).
Mayfair, BBSR:
Jha, R.,
Sahay, B. S.,
Chattopadhyay, M.
& Gajpal, Y.
Scheduling patients across diagnostic units using self-organizing map.
2017 POMS Annual Conference
POMS Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.:
Pinto, S.,
Upadhyay, S.
& Upadhyay, N.
Demystifying Spiritual Intelligence: A Critical Review of its Definitions and Dimensions..
Proceedings of the International Conference on Spirituality and Skill for Leadership and Sustainable Management
& Husain, S.
What Do Hindi Native Speakers Predict? Investigating Verb Class, Verb Morphology, and Word Order.
International Conference of Linguistic Society of India (ICOLSI-38),
IIT Guwahati, India Guwahati, India:
Sharma, A.
& Sagar, M.
University Branding:A Hierarchal Model Based on Factors Affecting Students’ Choices of Higher Education Institutions.
Conference on Brand Management
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Delhi:
Shaikh, A.
“Measuring fairness in franchisor-franchisee relationship: A confirmatory approach”.
49th Academy of Marketing Conference
Newcastle Business School Newcastle Business School, UK:
Shaikh, A.
“Role of perceived fairness in managing opportunism in franchisor-franchisee relationship: A franchisee perspective from emerging market”.
49th Academy of Marketing Conference
Newcastle Business School Newcastle Business School, UK:
Singh, B.
Stewardship in channel relationships.
Academy of Marketing Doctoral Colloquium Newcastle Business School
AOM Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK:
Paul, B.,
G, J.,
Mine, J.
& S, R.
What Makes Enterprises in Auto Component Industry Perform? Emerging Role of Labour, Information Technology, and Knowledge Management.
Forum of Global Knowledge Sharing
IIT Madras IIT Madras:
Dey, K.,
Shaikh, A.
& Singh, B.
Viability and Sustainability of Farmer Organizations in India: A Tale of Three Producer Companies.
International Conference on Agribusiness in Emerging Economies
Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA) Anand in collaboration with The Whitman School of Management &The South Asia Center at Syracuse University, USA.:
Sharma, N.,
Sahay, B. S.,
Sarma, P.
& Shankar, R.
Supply Chain Challenges in Public Distribution System.
27th Annual POMS Conference
POMS Orlando, FL:
Sharma, N.,
Sahay, B. S.,
Sarma, P.
& Shankar, R.
Information Systems in Indian Food Security Infrastructure.
27th Annual POMS Conference
Orlando, FL
Upadhyay, N.
TIA: Total Innovation Analysis.
Proceedings of 9th ISDSI International Conference
Kumar, P.
Environmental accounting ambiguity - where to put certified emission reductions (CERs) in financial statement?.
International Conference on Innovation in Technology: A Roadmap for Achieving Global Competitiveness (ICIT-2K16)
G.L. Bajaj Institute of Management & Research Greater Noida:
Kumar, P.
India as an emergent market for emission trading – a review study.
Leadership, Public Policy & Governance under Global Leadership Research Conference.
Amity University Noida:
Kumar, P.
Carbon trading - an initiative to finance environmental concerns.
Shodhharth- Research Scholars’ Day
National Institute of Technology New Delhi:
Parida, R. R.
Impact of Psychograph on brand loyalty.
10th NASMEI International Marketing Conference 2016
Great Lakes Chennai, (pp.50-54).
Great Lakes Chennai:
Parida, R. R.
Sustainable Indian MBA.
XUB sustainability summit 2016
XIMB, (pp.131-132).
Parida, R. R.
& Sahney, S.
Influence of psychographic factors on the brand loyalty of rural consumersâ€.
Abstract Proceeding:
Management doctoral Colloquium & Research Scholar Day
IIT Kharagpur, (pp.56-56).
Singh, S.,
Sahay, B. S.,
Charan, P.
& Murthy, L.S.
Sustainable Manufacturing Strategy: An Evidence Based Study from Indian Metal Industry.
27th Annual POMS Conference
POMS Orlando, FL:
Singh, S.,
Sahay, B. S.,
Charan, P.
& Murthy, L.S.
Sustainable Operations Strategy and Organizational Learning.
27th Annual POMS Conference
POMS Orlando, FL: